Alliander, DNV KEMA and KPN establish a European research institute for cyber security
At the  Metering, Billing / Transmission & Distribution Smart Grids Europe 2012 Conference in Amsterdam, Alliander, DNV KEMA and KPN in cooperation with TNO and the Radboud University announced the founding of a new European competence center for cyber security; the European Network for Cyber Security (ENCS). 


ENCS’ objective is to research, test, share knowledge and to organise training in the field of cyber security for critical infrastructures such as energy, water and telecoms networks, to support owners of infrastructures to protect their assets better against cyber crime. Given the international character transnational of cyber crime, ENCS will involve in this mission as may European parties as possible.


Protection against cybercrime
ENCS will contribute in developing  the best possible protection against cybercrime for European critical infrastructures. In these critical infrastructures ICT tools are increasingly used what increases the sensibility for cyber crime like those from such hackers. There is a growing need for new cyber security solutions and methods to protect these networks against such threats. ENCS meets this need by creating knowledge and resources, so that at the beginning mainly European stakeholders in the energy, telecommunications, consulting and government will work together to realize concrete solutions.

ENCS provides four integrated services:

  • Research & Development,
  • Cyber Testing,
  • Training and Information
  • Knowledge Sharing.

It will use the knowledge and skills of the member organisations, like specialised research institutes, universities and industrial partners. ENCS focuses primarily on a research and development program aimed at the needs of operators of critical infrastructures and officials with responsibility for security of critical infrastructures. Additionally ENCS is committed to share this knowledge among its members. ENCS provides an extensive test facility for cyber crime protection systems designed for infrastructures and other systems. Finally, ENCS will develop training programs to raise awareness for cyber security, both owners of critical infrastructures as for policymakers by giving more insight knowledge in real scenarios and in the development of new cyber security concepts.


International approach
All owners of vital infrastructures, suppliers of ICT and smart grid applications, private and public research institutes and European governments can join ENCS. The challenges of cyber security are indeed both national and international. The prevention of cyber security incidents will benefit from research, testing, education and international collaboration and cooperation.

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