Alliander and A. Hak take part in REDstack

Alliander and A. Hak, both take a share in REDstack BV. Today, both parties signed the transfer of the shares. REDstack Blue Energy develops the technology, which over time can generate electricity from fresh and salt water. Alliander and A. Hak take a share of approximately 33 and 21 percent.

Alliander intends develop a more sustainable, reliable and affordable electricity supply and Blue Energy is a promising technology with great potential for generating renewable energy. In the Netherlands millions of cubic meters of fresh water flow seawards. REDstack will continue to develop this technology. Items in the development plan are; the membranes required in the system, upscaling of the technology and implementation of such installations in the eco-system. A. Hak, is besides shareholder also a preferred supplier for the installation of REDstack pilot projects.
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