ENEL - Smart grids now also growing in the East

The whole Romanian energy sector has been asked to make significant investments to adjust to EU standards, starting from electronic meters, whose installation has been approved by the Parliament

Europe is presently in the forefront in the field of smart grids. A primacy that has also been achieved thanks to Enel, which started in 2001 - and completed long before any other company in the world – the installation of electronic meters for its customers in Italy.

The widespread use of these devices, which are the first step towards the achievement of smart grids, then  advanced at a fast pace as Enel transferred its own expertise abroad. Indeed, projects are now being carried out in other European countries (starting from Spain, where the subsidiary ;Endesa is installing 13 million meters) and in other continents, with several ongoing initiatives in South America, while their installation is also planned in Japan.

The most appealing markets include Eastern European countries, where Enel is present with  projects in Russia and, most of all, in Romania. In this country, Enel is currently the greatest private investor in the electricity sector, with significant activity in electricity distribution and sale, as well as in renewable energy generation.

“The whole Romanian energy sector – said Enel’s Country manager Luca D’Agnese – needs considerable investments to adjust to European quality standards.  Also, the law that introduces the EU obligation to install electronic meters for at least 80% of customers by 2020 has now been approved. In this context, operators with expertise and technologies like Enel are essential to achieve the investments needed to raise the Romanian energy sector to European standards in terms of customer service, service continuity, innovation and providing new services  for a modern and competitive market”.
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