Fingrid trusts Eltel with another contract

Eltel Transmission Finland and Fingrid have signed on 31.10.2011 a contract on transmission grid construction works in Nurmijärvi-Hyvinkää-Hikiä area. This turnkey project consists of building a new 400 kV transmission line between Hikiä and Hyvinkää, modification of existing 400 kV Espoo-Hyvinkää line and renewal of the 110 kV transmission line between Hikiä and Nurmijärvi substations. The project will be completed in autumn 2013.
The high-voltage transmission grid in Southern Finland will be reinforced by constructing a new 400 kV transmission line from Hyvinkää to Hikiä in Hausjärvi.
The city of Hyvinkää will be hosting a housing fair in Metsäkalteva area in 2013. In order to enable this and future land use plans the existing 400 kV Espoo-Hyvinkää line will be moved to a new line corridor.
The 110 kV double circuit transmission line between Hikiä and Nurmijärvi substations will be renewed concurrently with the 400 kV line project. Condition analyses have indicated that the old 2x110 kV transmission line between the substations, originally built in the 1920s, is in a poor condition and its transmission capacity is no longer sufficient for the future needs.
"The new contract is a third consecutive construction project engaged by Fingrid and won by Eltel Transmission Finland. It shows that the client is happy with our performance and delivered work quality. In the tender evaluation performance and work quality, besides the price, are important factors that are taken into account,” says Tapio Leskinen, director of Eltel Transmission Finland.
Source ELTEL Networks...
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