CEER position paper on the European Commission‟s Communication „Making the internal energy market work‟ May 2013
Background information
This paper provides comments of the Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER) on the European Commission’s Internal Energy Market Communication (IEM) (COM/2012/0663).
The paper underlines issues of key importance to energy markets. It also emphasises issues of relevance to energy regulation, in particular emphasis on the role of effective and independent energy regulation; the central importance of full implementation of the Third Energy Package; the impact of regulated energy prices; the fundamental priority of consumers’ interests; the role of distribution system operators and the critical need to ensure generation adequacy. The Annex of this document provides a more detailed commentary on the Communication’s Action Plan for those measures which include energy regulators as an involved “actor”.
General remarks
European energy regulators agree with Council views on the need for a fully consistent approach to energy policy – climate change goals; competitive markets; and consumer protection and social welfare must go hand in hand when developing the framework for our energy sector, lest we create incompatible and conflicting requirements between them and ultimately frustrate their individual and collective achievement.
Energy regulation has an important part to play in ensuring we can deliver these achievements, in particular by overseeing market developments and providing sound and predictable regulatory policy. Efficient energy markets - at national, regional and international levels - are a prerequisite for energy security and sustainable development. Competitive energy markets must provide a secure, reliable and affordable energy supply which is essential for efficient economic and social development.
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