Meteringservice - "Smart meters - The industry is waiting ..."

Text EU regulation for measurement of energyflows in households has been delayed

The energy industry was eagerly waiting for this regulation - and it has been delayed again. We talk about the EU notification regarding the regulation of metering systems, which is the basis for the BSI protection profiles and the corresponding Technical Guideline TR 03109. The period in which the regulation text could be commented expired on June the 21st. Due to this delay the regulations can be effected just after the German election, this means from 23 of September onwards.
Not only Germany, but also other EU Member States hoped for more clarity to the legal requirements specifically concerning widespread deployment of the new generation smart meters, after the publication of this regulation. France, however, vetoed the proposed text, so it is now at the European Commission to find a compromise.
Time schedule of the German smart meter rollout delayed for another three months
"Any delay in regulation will create other delays in the whole process," commented Markus Last, responsible for the Thüga AG distribution networks. "The industry is waiting for the publication of cost-benefit analysis and the completion of meter-reading and -measurement regulations", continued Mr. last.
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