Eurelectric - E-Highway2050 project plans Europe’s future electricity grid

A European research consortium, supported in part by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme, has launched the e-Highway2050 project with the aim of developing a long-term planning methodology for the necessary expansion and conversion of the European electricity grids. EURELECTRIC has joined e-Highway2050 as one of the 28 consortium partners to represent the electricity industry.

The research project will result in a modular development plan for possible electricity highways, based on various future power system options such as a high share of renewable energy sources, technology breakthroughs or innovative demand-side management. It will also develop pathways for a complete pan-European grid architecture based on different scenarios. Stakeholders across Europe are invited to discuss interim results in workshops and consultations.

The partners include ENTSO-E, transmission system operators, energy associations, research institutes, universities and a non-governmental organisation. The project started officially in September 2012 and will provide final results by the end of 2015.

For more information, visit the project's website at
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